Friday, December 01, 2006

Last day in Mysore

Today was my last practice in the Shala. It was led, and that's a nice way to finish I think. Guruji was on form despite a few micro-sleeps, and for some reason it felt hotter than usual. I had a good practice, and once again managed the full headstand thing with the going half way and then coming back up. I also managed to bind in Mari D which made me smile :)

I had a major breakfast at Shakti because it was my last: banana and cinnamon pancakes and half a fruit salad. Then I packed with S who is awesome at somehow fitting all my stuff in my rucksack, it's a miracle believe me. After that it was off to the hospital for the 2nd rabies jab. It hurt. I also had to buy another one to bring back to the UK because apparently they don't have the same one there and their version is one shot, then 7 days later another and then 21 days after that another. That's a fat lot of good to me. Also they seem to think that I should go to the "travel clinic" which is the once a week thing where you have your shots for going away. Of course there is no travel clinic on the 5th which is when I have to have the shot. I'm going to have to go to the hospital and make a fuss. Thing is the rabies jab kit I am bringing with me needs to be kept cold, and I also need to get it on the plane. I'll find a way.

We went to the Lalith Mahal pool again and spent the afternoon chilling out and chatting, messing about in the pool, listening to music. J is very sad to leave (he's on the same flight as me), but I'm ok about it. I'd so so happily stay a few more months, but I see it like this: I have some things to finish up back at home. Then I'll come back for a while and it'll be excellent, Phd finished, job sorted...well as long as it all goes to plan that is.

Now Anu is throwing a Dosa party because J and myself are leaving, she makes the best Dosas I have ever tasted. Afterwards there is a Kirtan (or Curtain as it has been affectionately known as), and after that a trip to the Metropole hotel for a drink with everybody. Tomorrow we leave at 8am. I got some banana and carrot cake off the man outside the shala for breakfast.

Mysore has been good to me, very good. I have made some very special friends here, and you know what? Mysore will always be there for me.

Tune of the Day: "Make your own kind of music" - The Mama's and the papa's

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