Thursday, November 23, 2006

Content & itchy

Practice was much less painful than before, but I stopped around marichyasana D, because I started feeling the pain more strongly and so be it. I can't do the finishing postures because they particularly aggravate the shoulder. It is getting better though, no worries. Tomorrow I might be able to go further. Funny how ultimately it is my body telling me how far I can go rather than my teachers.

This is going to be my last week in Mysore. I'm quite sad to go, and yes, it has crossed my mind that I could quit my job and run, is not so. I have had a blast here and I have met some incredible people. I have this feeling that I should be trying harder with the practice seeing this is the last week , but it feels just good where it is. I'm quite sure now that to practice Ashtanga for any length of time you have to be kind, patient and grateful. I love my practice, and I have become happier in it from being here.

I went to talk to Guruji because I wanted to know what he thought about me practising at 4-5pm in the evening in the UK as opposed to 5-6am in Mysore. He said that was just fine, no problem, I just have to have "breakfast, small small lunch, dinner". It's not good to practice in the cold but we don't have much choice in many countries. I told him I had experienced very good practice here, and he laughed and said he was very happy.

C has a stomach thing and feels crap. I gave her some GSE which many people here swear by and watched attentively until her face changed into a grimace. It tastes so bad it makes you forget how ill you are. The nasties in the belly go "Who would do that to themselves, she's a crazy lady let's get out of here!". There have been a few belly upsets recently. I'm still hearing people with shala cough too. Today a lot of people have been saying they are tired, it's muggy, it feels like it needs to rain or that it's going to.

As always I am battling with the mosquitos and whatever else bites round here, my feet and ankles are completely covered with bites, it looks like I have a nasty rash. I used "Jungle Fever" repellant and it has melted the silver finish on my laptop where my palm rests. I've switched to "Green Ban" which has been donated by a kind soul! Let's hope it works. I've found some stuff called "Pain Balm" that's a bit like tiger balm except that it smells of citrus, it works really well on itchies.

I had an interesting time at the "medical store". I needed a plaster and seemed to confuse everyone, even the americans until I saw what I wanted and read out "Band aid". One interesting moment where it's me speaking the strange language for once, never use the word "plaster". S had an indian man get her attention point at the sky and then down again and laugh, and this went on for a bit. Later she discovered that a bird had crapped on her bum.

Tune of the Day: "As serious as your life" - Four Tet

1 comment:

Kali Om said...

You practice *is* your teacher.

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