Friday, November 10, 2006

Record shopping

I woke up coughing painfully, my chest hurt everytime. I decided to go to the hospital because it appears that this cough is just getting worse and worse. It's just a few doors down so I walked in and a lady ushered me into an office and listened to my chest, gave me a prescription for cough syrup and some tablets. It cost me 100rs for the consultation and 61rs for the meds. The hospital I went to was pretty old inside, wouldn't want to have to stay there. I saw Anu later and she insisted Ganesh take me to their doctor. I have some antibiotics which are unavoidable although as Ganesh says "they will make the body weak".

I went on the search for the record shop with Violetta and Ahu. We found a cd shop and the man inside told us to go and find the hearing aid shop. We went there and he sent his son or assisstant with us in rickshaw. We drove for a while and came to a house where she motioned for us to get out and follow him up the steps. He unlocked this door and told us to wait inside while he fetched the records. He opened another door which seemed to lead into a room full of the kind all sorts of random stuff like old signs, a load of strip lights, an old radio, dusty cardboard boxes....He proceeded to shift everything out into the corridor for some time and then finally called us in. He had a load of old Indian music vinyl, with some amazing covers with all the gods and godesses brightly coloured, mostly devotional music. I took 3 off him for 300rs, he seemed disapointed, but I was never going to buy 300. It's the most interesting record shop I have ever been to. I would call it a house but they insisted it was a shop.

Last night was kirtan at Shakti house. Ganesh was on percussions. It was for a charity, and it was nice tocome together to do something for others. It was my first kirtan and I really enjoyed it, it was very calming and friendly. I sat next to Anu in her beautiful red and gold sari. She reminded me to come for vile tea again and said she would make it very concentrated this time. She has kept her word and here I am, it is a challenge drinking this.

No practice today. Instead breakfast at the Southern Star. It's a hotel nearby which serves up a buffet breakfast, indian, continental, american food. The banana bread was great. Otherwise I prefer breakfast at Tina's and at Shakti by far. It's pricey and it's alright, but hey, nothing special. I don't think I'll bother with it again.

No lunch today, I am going to explode if I eat again. I was told this week that I was a "strong little ashtangi" - I think this is fast turning into a "tubby litte ashtangi". All I've done here is eat! Interestingly it has been suggested that my intolerance of peppers is due to my vata nature, as I'm pitta-vata. Maybe so. I should find out more about the doshas.

This afternoon, we're off to Chamundeswari temple, 13k out of Mysore.

The picture is of Tina's place.

Tune of the Day: "Bongo bong" - Manu Chau (suggested by Nico)

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